St Moritz Hotel

St Moritz Hotel

St Moritz HotelSt Moritz HotelSt Moritz HotelSt Moritz Hotel

With every detail of the hotel, we’ve dedicated ourselves completely to your comfort, indulgence and enjoyment.

Our rooms are beautiful cocoons into which you’ll want to sink and stay. Amongst the handcrafted beds and furniture you’ll discover in-built flat screen TVs, iPod docking stations, hair straightners and big bottles bursting with Cowshed goodies.

Our guests never stop telling us that are beds are quite possibly the most comfortable that they’ve ever slept in, and asking what the secret behind our plumper than plumper mattresses is. They tell us that they’ve slept more deeply than they have in months, and they wonder why. We just smile knowingly and tell them it’s just the way things are around here…

The St Moritz s team is committed to serving the finest British food, using predominantly Cornish ingredients.